How to respond to changes in customer behaviour and build a resilient business


Visit Skåne


Business innovation
Project development
Design thinking methodology
Process models
User experience
Visual Communication

Recent years have fundamentally changed the world and made crises part of everyday life. To help businesses become more resilient to unforeseen events and be able to act appropriately in uncertain times, Visit Skåne initiated the Crisitivity Innovation project.


Amplitude Creatives, together with a group of Skåne meeting facilities, investigated how existing meeting rooms can be used to reach new customer segments. The project showed that companies with several legs to stand on were best equipped during the pandemic. By thinking innovatively and strategically, companies can better face challenges and create long-term sustainability.


In collaboration with Visit Skåne and the meeting facilities, we came up with the concept Cowork & Play, an initiative that addresses their need to manage fluctuations, act in uncertain times, adapt to changing customer behaviours and achieve flexibility. Cowork & Play helps venues reach new customer groups and find new business opportunities to secure the future.

Read more about the project and see more films about Cowork & Play at Crisitivity, Visit Skåne.

Could your business benefit from a better understanding of the third workspace? Get in touch with us! 

It was very rewarding and a good support for future processes.

Christian Wilander, Gässlingen Hotel

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