GLÄNTA is a Swedish sex and wellness brand offering women a new and lustful way to learn more about what gives you pleasure, boost sexual knowledge and gain the integrity and pride that comes with owning your sexuality.
Why don’t we know more about female pleasure? That question became the seed of GLÄNTA’s existence. GLÄNTA is conceived to boost and develop the female sexual experience, and in doing so, contribute to the research on women, sex, and pleasure.
Amplitude Creatives partnered with GLÄNTA to bring their vision to life.
Amplitude Creatives have had the pleasure of working on all aspects of the product design journey.
We began by developing the initial product concepts for research, which paved the way for the design of the GLÄNTA World concept. Collaborating closely with GLÄNTA’s CMO, CTO, and engineering teams, we crafted a comprehensive brand strategy, developed graphic designs, built their website, and took the lead on designing their pitch deck.
It was an exciting opportunity for us to leverage our expertise in product development, design, and innovation
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