Visit Skåne
Amplitude Creatives were commissioned to investigate new sustainable business models for visitor hospitality along hiking trails. What actors and efforts can drive new accommodation and service offerings along less visited trails? How can we build models for future cross industry collaboration? The project, Skogens värden, is funded by the EU, and a collaboration between Länsstyrelsen, Krinova, Visit Skåne and Skogsstyrelsen.
Wear and tear on the region's hiking trails is increasing, negatively affecting both the environment and the hiking experience. To reduce the pressure on our most visited trails, several initiatives are planned to redirect walkers to less busy areas. These measures aim to spread visitor pressure and preserve the long-term sustainability of nature.
Amplitude Creatives conducted a comprehensive innovation project based on design thinking methodology, with the aim of creating collaboration between landowners and regional tourism. The project was carried out in six stages and in close collaboration with Visit Skåne. Through in-depth interviews and site visits to landowners in the region, we gathered key stakeholders for co-creation workshops. These workshops resulted in six focus areas, which were anchored and adjusted together with visitor groups, landowners and Visit Skåne.
In the second phase of the project, we worked with selected landowners to develop new business models and simplify the establishment of attractive forest accommodation for hikers. The concepts and business models that emerged were visualised and tested with industry stakeholders to ensure their value and innovation potential.
Skogens värden, Visit Skåne
We now look forward to seeing these ideas realised and will continue to support our partners throughout the implementation process.
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